Keynote: Doing Engaged Research on Data and Algorithms: politics, pitfalls, open questions

Tuesday, 28 November, 2023
09:30-10:30 Sitzungssaal

Stefania Milan, University of Amsterdam
Chair: Katja Mayer

We know by now that the advance of the datafied society alters and even erodes citizen agency. Studying grassroots practices of engagement with data and algorithms as well as communities at the margins calls for an approach to research in the sociotechnical that takes sides. Continue reading

Call for the STS Austria Early Career Award 2023

To support the research and visibility of early career researchers in Science and Technology Studies, STS Austria will, for the second time, award a prize for the best publications by young
researchers in 2023. The award addresses published academic writings by early career
researchers demonstrating the relevance, productivity, and critical potential of Science and Technology Studies research. In particular, we are searching for publications that excel in one  or several of the following categories: societal relevance, quality of writing, and theoretical or  methodological innovativeness.

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New STS Austria Board elected

At the general assembly on December 6, 2022, a new STS Austria board was elected featuring representatives of several Austrian institutions and three early-career researchers. Doris Allhutter was elected as president, and Erik Aarden will resume his position as treasurer. We thank our outgoing board members and president for their service and are looking forward to the new board’s activities in 2023-2024!

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Ausschreibung zur Förderung von Veranstaltungen/ Call for Event Funding Support

Um die Sichtbarkeit und den Austausch bzw. die Vernetzung von STS Forschung in Österreich voranzutreiben, hat STS Austria die Möglichkeit, 1-2 Veranstaltungen, die im Kalenderjahr 2023 durchgeführt werden sollen, finanziell zu unterstützen. Insgesamt stehen dafür 1500 EUR zur Verfügung. Wir laden daher STS Austria Mitglieder ein, Anträge zur Förderung von Veranstaltungen einzubringen. Antragsberechtigt sind alle Mitglieder von STS Austria, eventuelle Mitorganisator:innen müssen nicht Mitglied sein. Gefördert werden können unterschiedliche Arten von Veranstaltungen (z.B. Workshops, Konferenzen, Vorträge, Diskussionsrunden, Arbeitsgruppen), welche die Vereinsziele von STS Austria unterstützen.

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Call for Papers: “Digital Living, Digital Infrastructuring”

Call for Papers: “Digital Living, Digital Infrastructuring”
Workshop STS Austria, 13-15 September 2021, Graz

Science and Technology Studies has repeatedly shown that the social, cultural, technological and political conditions of research, knowledge production and innovation processes are being re-shaped through the digitization of data, the virtualization of communication and collaboration, and the design of underlying infrastructures.

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