New STS Austria Board elected

At the general assembly on December 17, 2024, a new STS Austria board was elected featuring representatives of several Austrian institutions and three early-career researchers. Juliane Jarke was elected as president, and Astrid Mager was newly elected as vice-president. Christian Dayé newly joined as treasurer, Jahan Hadidi and Ronja Borgmästars as student representatives. We thank our outgoing board members and president for their service and are looking forward to the new board’s activities in 2025-2026!

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Great Success of the 3rd Early Career Workshop “STS: Skills, Career Trajectories and Stories”

21.11.2024 at ÖAW

How did you prepare for your job interview to convey the expertise you bring from STS?
The reply to this question sparked my favorite moment: “Not at all, I only attended this Workshop a couple of year ago.

The 3rd Early Career Workshop organized by STS Austria explored job opportunities for graduates in STS and was a resounding success. How can graduates apply academic knowledge? What non-academic career paths offer exciting fields of activity? And what does career development look like across various fields?

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Workshop Invitation “STS: Skills, Career Trajectories and Stories” #3

We warmly invite you to the third instalment of STS Austria’s workshop “STS: Skills, Career Trajectories and Stories” on career orientation and different professional paths for STS graduates. The workshop will take place at the Austrian Academy of Science on Thursday, Nov 21st, 2024, 15:00 – 18:00.

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Funding Support for STS Events

Are you organising an event in 2024? STS Austria will again financially support 1–2 academic events this year. A total of € 1500 is available for this purpose. Only members of STS Austria are eligible to apply, but potential co-organisers of the event do not need to be members. We will fund different kinds of events (workshops, conferences, lectures, roundtable discussions, working groups) supporting the mission of STS Austria. In particular, we invite  applications for events which a) address early-career researchers, b) involve cooperation between different institutions and/or c) take place outside of Vienna.

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Public Keynote: Impossible ‘Choices’ — Activism in the Academy

Tuesday, 28 November, 2023
18:00-19:30 SE1 (open to the public)

Katta Spiel, TU Wien
Chair: Juliane Jarke
Sign Language Translator: Antonia Maier, Anja Pfneisel

The shaping of our socio-technical environment is predominantly the privilege of a comparatively homogeneous group of people, mainly white, mainly western, mainly within an age range of 20-40 years old, mainly cis-male; with not just amusing, annoying or irritating, but also deadly consequences for anyone else. Continue reading