STS Austria Conference 2023: Digging Where We Stand: Activism, Community and the Politics of STS

The STS Austria Conference took place from 27 – 29 November 2023 at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna.

Activism and new forms of political organizing are (once again) gaining traction outside and inside of academia. This is happening alongside calls for more participation in and for the  democratization of science. The intensification of current crises and the disruptive potential of  technoscientific capitalism call for long overdue transformations of the socio-material relations that science and technology are part of. Postcolonial and feminist critiques of the normative  power and epistemic violence in science and technology have been renewed in recent years and push for an ethico-onto-epistemology that urges researchers to reflect their positionality  and take a stand. Precarious working conditions in academia intensify the search for agency and clout of critical research and engagement. This is the time for STS to revisit its relation to activism and engagement, its own community standards and positioning within the labor struggles of the wider academy.

What are our standards of and visions for engagement? Where do we as STS researchers draw the boundaries of engagement and what alliances do we enter? How are we multiple and (how) should we join forces nonetheless?

We look forward to discussing these questions with you at the STS Austria Conference 2023!

All rooms in the ÖAW main building and at the Campus Akademie are barrier-free accessible. Please contact us for further information and assistance.

Registration is closed. For further information contact



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